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"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Wednesday, November 09, 2005 ~* THE POWER OF HOLDING HANDS *~- by Rabbi Harold Kushner I was sitting on a beach one summer day,watching two children, a boy and a girl, playing in the sand. They were hard at work building anelaborate sandcastle by the water's edge, withgates and towers and moats and internal passages. Just when they had nearly finished their project, a big wave came along and knocked it down, reducing it to a heap of wet sand. I expected thechildren to burst into tears, devastated by what had happened to all their hard work. But they surprised me. Instead, they ran up theshore away from the water, laughing and holding hands, and sat down to build another castle. I realized that they had taught me an importantlesson:-All the things in our lives, all the complicated structures we spent so much time and energy creating, are built on sand. Only our relationships to other people endure. Sooner or later, the wavewill come along and knock down what we haveworked so hard to build up. When that happens,only the person who has somebody's hand to hold will be able to laugh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A story i chanced across on friendster's bulletin board... how true is the statement? All the things in our lives, all the complicated structures we spent so much time and energy creating, are built on sand. Only our relationships to other people endure Certainly, we spend our lives if not entire life times forging relationships. Kin-ship with our immediate family, uncles, aunts, grandparents. Friendships with people we hang about in everyday life, the ones we share our joy, pain, secrets and life with. Relationships with a member of the opposite sex whom you percieve to be THE ONE, who'll spend all of eternity with you through the vows of matrimony and tests of time, the one til death do you part. But relationships never lasts do they? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kin-ship is as easily broken as Friendship and Relationship. Indeed, children quarreling with their parents and becoming estranged from the family is a scenario that's isnt too far fetched for reality nor only confined within the melo-dramatic dramas on the telly. though many of us argue that it is highly unlikely to occur to them, it's unlikely, yes but it's a possibility. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Friendships are equally fragile, with them ending as easily as it began. How many of us can say that we have that one friend who we would tell any and everything that one friend where you know, who will do anything to help you in times of crisis or need? Friends come and go in our 60-80 years of living on this world. Friends made this day may soon be our clique while our former cliques moves on with their own lives. Primary school, secondary school, Poly & army friends will come and go in our lives destined never to leave any imprints or impacts on our lives but just to accompany us and enjoy's one another's company while we are stuck at the same points of time in our lives. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Relationships, what's more is there to say about relationships is that more often than not, they never last... Even a couple who so boldly in love, committed to spending their lives in matrimony together taking the sacred vows, all the til death do they part bullshit still can spilt up in the blink of an eye with a simple and convenient visit to their lawyers and voila! They're now happily divorced and can now move on with their lives. If that's marriage, i wouldnt know what to say about the BGR experienced by millions of males and females across the world. So, basically, it's a form of attraction, a fondness of a particular somebody. The way he/she looks, smiles, moves, her/his character moving onto what many believe to be love... So, bottomline is what is love? Duh?!?? you may say but to those that mock me, tell me WHAT IS LOVE? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What is love? Love is when one person knows all of your secrets... your deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets of which no one else in the world knows... and yet in the end, that one person does not think any less of you; even if the rest of the world does." - as quoted from thinkexsist.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Could it be that for many of us, love will be forever a luxury too fragile, expensive and unattainable? Do we hunger for the feeling of being loved, held and liked? Or are we just hoping and dreaming of the day when THE ONE will appear and magically change our lives and sweep our feet away? Perhaps we as human beings and consumers have been decieved and exploited. Just think of how Valentine's Day is an overrated 'special day' for lovers, friends and all BS associated with it. Would doing something speical for your significant half only on that day be enough, why cant one put in the effort every other day? Perhaps, we have been brought up and fed on the motions of love, Romance and happy endings for far too long in our lives, from the fairy tales when we're young to the countless romance novels, dramas and movies depicting happy endings but more often than not, the complexity of intteracting with a fellow human being extends beyond the boundaries of anything we've come across. The most complex thing to ever occur and occurs on a routinely basis every single day is the meeting of 2 human beings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "True love are like ghosts, everybody knows it's there but they never see it" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ some thoughts on the subject, perhaps love is overrated and love is overused as a word. Cheers... |