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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Monday, February 06, 2006 [060206] Bloody 7 ques... Read thru Kenn's blog and guess what, he had another meme done and lucky me, he passed it on to me to carry it on.... hmm... but before i carried it out, i decided to source out what the **** is a meme and according to Wikipedia, a meme is derived from the Greek word mimema, "something imitated" often refers to a piece of information passed from one mind to another. The term first came into popular use with the publication of the book The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins in 1976, and the conceptual framework of memes borrows from the study of genes -- the units of biological transmission. Historically, the notion of a unit of social evolution, and a similar term (from Greek mneme, 'memory'), first appeared in 1904 in a work by the German evolutionary biologist Richard Semon: Die Mnemische Empfindungen in ihren Beziehungen zu den Originalenempfindungen, translated into English in 1921 as The Mneme. By analogy with genetics, a meme passes from generation to generation via family and cultural traditions or training rather than via sexual reproduction, with occasional "mutations." Another common usage of the term "meme" relates closely to academic study of folklore and the informal communication of cultural information, in which memes fit into an analogy of "language as a virus". In simple terms, a meme is sort of like a chain letter... sheesh.. all those words to explain what a chain letter is... and dun get me started, chain letters under Wikipedia has almost 4 parapgraphs just to expain the concept... why make simple things so difficult... anyways, back to this current meme... here it goes: QUALITIES I WANT IN A POTENTIAL BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND: 1. Thoughtful 2. Trustworthy 3. Faithful 4. Sweet 5. Sense of humour 6. Open minded 7. Common sense (think many ppl lack this very basic but impt quality, a little common sense goes a long long long way) SEVEN THINGS THAT SCARE ME: 1. Disappointing my Mum 2. Getting by life alone 3. Losing my friends 4. My immediate future 5. FAILING 6. Girls / Women crying (Dun ask me why, feel helpless when members of the opposite sex cry... cant seem to do anything to help. Heart just goes soft...) 7. My life 20 years down the road... SEVEN RANDOM SONGS: 1. Simple Plan - Untitled 2. Because Im a Girl - KISS (Korean girl band not to be confused with American metal band KISS) 3. What if God was one of us - Joan Osborne 4. Iris - Goo Goo Dolls 5. 想你是临睡的习惯 - 动力火车 6. 自我催眠 - 罗志祥 7. 灰色空间 - 罗志祥 SEVEN THINGS I LIKE MOST: 1. A cold & wet rainy day or night 2. A good book 3. Good Food 4. Hanging out with my friends and brudders 5. Lexus RX300 - The ultimate SUV 6. Having someone I love lying her head on my shoulders and feeling her hands in mine 7. Newcastle Utd winning SEVEN IMPORTANT THINGS IN MY BEDROOM: 1. Air Conditioner 2. TV 3. Playstation 2 4. Bed 5. Clothes 6. Room air freshner 7. My Uniform hanging neatly pressed in my cupboard SEVEN RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME: 1. I'm a loner at times, sometimes solitude isnt all bad... 2. People often mistake my shyness and inability to warm up quickly to strangers as being arrogant or proud. Im not... I just find it hard and extremely tiring to make that all impt first step to break the ice.. im really quite a friendly chap.. honest! 3. I'm quick to anger 4. I hate to wait... hence I really detest waiting for people when I have scheduled a fixed time to meet up which I often do seeing Im usually early 5. I absolutely detest mushrooms, cant figure why would anyone want to eat rubber? 6. I'm a pessimist.. it's so much easier to look at the glass as half empty 7. I'm a sucker for sentimental ballads SEVEN CELEBRITY CRUSHES 1. Evonne Hsu 2. Jamie Teo (No, not Jaime Yeo, TEO... the former Miss Singapore Universe) 3. Kirsten Dunst 4. Matsushima Nanako 5. Karena Lam 6. Kelly Lin 7. Ase Wang SEVEN PEOPLE I WANT TO SEE DO THIS: 1. No one... u feel like doing it.. feel free.. it's a free society afterall (well eh.. mostly free) |