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Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Aries the Ram
March 21st - April 20th ![]() Aries is the First Sign of the Zodiac, the point where it begins its cycle on the Vernal Equinox. Thus, it is the herald of the Astrological New Year. Symbolized by an animal of great courage, Aries is related to dawn, the Season of Spring, and the beginning of life. Much like the Spirit of Spring, those born under Aries are forever looking forward, never backward. In essence, Aries governs leadership and initiative, as well as using energy to make things happen. Aries subjects are vital, instinctual and forever young...the perpetual Children of the Zodiac who are constantly in search of identity. These are joyful, dynamic, assertive, outspoken and brave individuals who celebrate life, but who can also be intolerant, impatient, impulsive and overly-emotional. There is a deficient capacity here for self-reflection and a tendency to take ill-considered risks. Those born under the Sign of Aries should strive to direct their power toward mature and constructive ends, as well as attempting to master the slow process of self-education, if they are to bring to fruition the projects they begin with such elemental enthusiasm. Also known as the Sign of the Pioneer or Warrior, Aries is Positive in polarity (as are Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). The general characteristics of Positive Signs broadly match those for the extrovert personality and such individuals are naturally more impulsive, buoyant, communicative and sociable than are the Zodiac Signs of Negative polarity (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). However, Positive Signs rarely display the same levels of sensitivity or the same depth of understanding of emotional subtleties as do their Negative counterparts. Positive Signs tend to crave excitement and thus, are inclined to direct their energies outward into the world around them. Aries is the most flagrantly extrovert of the Positive Signs (with Sagittarius a close second). All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Fire and Air are considered to be Masculine in nature. Thus, Aries (ruled by fire) is considered Masculine (as are Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Masculine signs are traditionally conceived as being more active and less receptive than their Feminine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Earth and Water (the Zodiac Signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). Masculine Signs focus primarily on spirituality and activity...both in the physical sense and mental sense. Masculine Signs are said to be diurnal or day-oriented. Therefore, the term "masculine" should be viewed in the same light as the Yang (or bright) Polarity of the Tao. Aries is the natural ruler of the First House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Self" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Horoskopos" or "Helm." This is the field of experience in which an individual is challenged to develop his or her own unique personality and present it to the world. Traditionally, the First House is associated with self and personal appearance...how an individual wishes to appear outwardly (with regard to both physical appearance and personal style, which may or may not be consistent with the inner self). It is associated with look, moves, gestures, body language and how a person appears to others on a superficial or "first impression" level. Essentially, it is the projection of an individual's "image." Early childhood is also ruled by the this House...everything from a toddler's initial steps to a young person's view of the emerging world. The First House is governed by the Planet Mars. The opposite sign to Aries is Libra. From Libra, Aries will learn to cooperate, share and bring people together in harmony. Thus, can Aries natives learn to express their ideas actively but tactfully and, in so doing, find much needed balance. Positive Traits: pioneering, adventurous, energetic, courageous, enterprising, confident, dynamic, quick-witted and freedom-loving Negative Traits: selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, foolhardy and undiplomatic Likes: action, challenge, spontaneity, championing causes and coming in first Dislikes: waiting, tyranny, failure, lack of opposition and the advice of others Innerself Those born under the sign of Aries are friendly creatures with a forceful manner, a firm handsclasp and an instant smile. They are naturally humorous and quick of wit, enjoying music and entertainment. As students, they have the ability to apply whatever they learn to good advantage. Individuals governed by Aries are a courageous leaders, genuinely concerned about the welfare of those they command. Being a responsible soul, it is rare that those ruled by Aries will use a subordinate to obtain their own objectives...but it does occasionally happen. Aries is much concerned with self...both positively and negatively. This self-reliant characteristic can sometimes lead to a self-centered attitude, with a tendency to be overly-concerned with personal advancement and physical satisfaction. Leaders of the pack, Aries individuals are the first in line to get things going. Whether or not everything is accomplished is another question altogether, for this Sign prefers to initiate and would rather leave the completion process to somebody else. Blessed with personal magnetism, Aries subjects are able to rally supporters to a cause, even against seemingly insurmountable odds. Known as "Pioneers of the Zodiac" and possessed of an inexhaustible energy, natives of Aries are always willing to try new things and break new ground. The impulsive Aries subject is often tempted to "ram" his or her ideas down the throats of others. Blunt and to the point, Aries' sheer force of being can accomplish a great deal. Much of this drive is associated with the Cardinal quality assigned with this Zodiac Sign. Cardinal Signs love to get things moving...and Aries individuals probably exemplify this trait better than the rest. In business, natives of Aries will usually find success, provided that good choices are made and issues are faced squarely. They make excellent salesmen and their drive is invaluable in real estate, banking, insurance and other financial fields. Professionally, they are fine actors, capable lawyers, doctors and statemen. They are also drawn with some success to literary and artistic work. Aries subjects also make for good athletes and climbers. They excel as explorers...of new ideas, as well as of unchartered territory...which makes them particularly good candidates in the field of outer space adventuring. A military career is often a favored choice of Aries natives, although they make for awkward subordinates and are poor followers, frequently unwilling to obey or submit to directions for which they can see no reason, or with which they disagree. Mentally, Aries individuals are intellectual and objective although, in rare instances, they can become bigoted and extremist, especially when it comes to religion and politics. They are quick-witted but sometimes foolhardy and over-optimistic, lacking thoroughness and the ability to evaluate difficulties regarding the undertakings into which they often rush impulsively. The great need of Aries subjects is to exercise self-control and to discipline the qualities and tendencies of their character to the advantage...and not the detriment...of the society in which they move. Committed to an idealistic cause and angrily defending the underdog, both the male and female Aries will fight for what he or she believes to be an injustice and will not be bashful about voicing personal opinions. In fact, Aries subjects prefer to take the lead in conversations. Keen, creative and hightly adaptive, they are also impetuous and headstrong and the Ruling Planet of Mars adds an aggressive touch to an already active and ambitious nature. This Sign represents birth and new beginnings. People who fall under the jurisdication of Aries are typically full of creative energy and enthusiasm with a great inner drive, which is expressed through action, to prove themselves. They are constantly seeking experiences which give them the opportunity to prove they are the best. There is little timidity to be found in Aries individuals...like the Ram, they are confident "doers" who frequently forge ahead regardless of the consequences. However, this impulsive behavior can sometimes lead to problems because such persons tend to leap before they look. Natives of Aries are not afraid to take risks or gamble in order to have their way. If their impulsive drives can be tempered, then they will accomplish much and become successful leaders. They constantly seek to be the best at whatever they do and would rather have fame and fortune than material wealth. Aries indiviudals are willing to sacrifice time, money and even their lives for those they love. They want to believe the best of everyone, but are not always the best judges of character. Aries individuals possess the drive to make a lot of money, but they can also waste their opportunities through recklessness. They are often more ostentatious than their budgets will allow and tend to fritter away money that they can ill afford to lose. An impatience for riches often leads Aries subjects into schemes which are unsound or fraudulent. Those who are successful are usually the ones who have managed to control their rashness and have the patience to take their time in order to do things properly. The Aries personality craves independence and often seeks out positions of authority. Optimism is a major part of this personality and it is far from easy to discourage any Aries native from a task that he or she has begun. These persons are, however, notorious for failing to finish what they start. The high-spirited nature of Aries subjects is extremely contagious and they are seldom daunted by fear of failure. At their best, these are noble, pioneering, adventurous, competitive, impulsive, courageous, independent, dynamic and quick individuals. At their worst, they can be domineering, quick-tempered, willful, arrogant, self-centered and intolerant. Born leaders, Aries subjects delight in being where the action is. They are direct and forceful, enthusiastic and impulsive, eager and impatient. They like to do things their own way and resent interference from others. This can make them appear insensitive and rude. Yet, strangely enough, sooner or later, most people will give in to the Aries native, usually because they come to realize that he or she is perhaps better suited than most to be the leader...chiefly due to the fact that the physical and moral courage of this particular Zodiac Sign is counted among its most outstanding characteristics. Although the Aries generosity can, in many ways, be overwhelming, the general attitude is not one of tolerance. Those who fall under the jurisdiction of Aries will go straight to the heart of a matter, accomplishing goals far quicker than anyone else. This can make them impatient with those who do not possess such a direct approach. However, on the other hand, if Aries subjects perceive somebody to be in need of help, then they will do everything in their power to ease the burden. Consequently, those persons governed by Aries display a great interest in charitable work or voluntary work concerning the welfare of others...of course, it goes without saying that they must be allowed to carry out this work in the way they wish to do so. Aries individuals will never go unnoticed in life and are almost certain to realize their ambitions. Nevertheless, there are numerous pitfalls in the path of this Sign, many put there by the very nature of Aries itself. Aries natives would be wise to recognize these pitfalls and act for the best. Though quick and clever, the impulsive character of Aries subjects (and the inability to be tactful in a subtle manner) might lead to them verbally express more than was intended on occasion. Though quick to anger, those ruled by Aries are also quick to get over the outburst, for these are self-confident and positive individuals who are guided by flashes of intuition and irresistable impulse. Above all, Aries natives need to guard against obstinacy and try to cure a tendency to dislike admitting when they are in the wrong. If he or she has the strength to overcome such failings, then there is every reason to believe that the ambitions of the Aries individuals will be realized and, in the long run, happiness will remain intact. The symbol of Aries...the Ram...when meeting an obstacle, butts into it and knocks it down. So it is with those born under this Zodiac Sign. They will never admit defeat, believing that what refuses to yield to persuasion will surely yield to force. Because of this, Aries individuals may be given many pioneering tasks in life. However, they must beware of championing lost causes. That having been said, it is also quite likely that their energy will most probably carry them through troubles and difficulties which could appear insurmountable to others. The secret fear of Aries subjects is that they will not be liked or valued. In general, however, this is a healthy Sign complete with natural warmth and enthusiasm which stimulates those around them to take up new interests, while bestowing upon others a sense of their own leadership. The Male The Aries male is exciting, seldom dull and plans carefully for the future. Ambitious and hardworking, these individuals are ruled by the planet Mars and there is usually no holding an Aries man. Perhaps the most irritating fault of this male is his way of being contradictary, for he is usually very knowledgeable and heaven help anyone who gets their facts wrong. As an extremely masculine-oriented person, he looks for a mate who is "all female." Although he wants a girl who is intelligent, he does not want one who will "wear the trousers." Sometimes, there is simply no pleasing the Aries man, but he is very romantic at heart and once he has made his selection for a partner tends to remain constant and true. Marriage to an Aries male is wonderful...assuming the chosen woman can stand the pace. He prefers an honest approach and will immediately see through any pretence. First and foremost a creature of the body, the Aries male is strong and energetic with good posture, an erect carriage and irresistible sex appeal. He is a stylish creature and would never be caught dead in last season's fashions. The Aries man tends to fear the infirmity of age and the inevitability of death. Thus, he exudes an air of total self-assurance in order to compensate for this. As a sweetheart, the Aries man desires to be the center of his loved one's attention and will most probably take it for granted that he already is. He will usually have a lot of women around him, with whom any potential mate will have to compete. He is fond of fun and can be charming when the mood strikes him. Flattery works with the Arian male because he can take any amount, provided he does not suspect that it is simply "a line." Once the Aries male is truly in love, he leaves no doubt as to his feelings. He is unlikely to be impressed simply by physical appearances. Intellectual stimulation is important to him and he is particularly taken with those who share his cultural interests. In the role of husband, he will be warm-hearted and virile, but prone to be somewhat "bossy." At home, he likes to be waited on hand-and-foot but, in return, stands always ready to fight for the best on behalf of his family. As a parent, he is a strict disciplinarian. The Aries male is a man who is constantly in a hurry and one with his sights set on the future. In order to get along with him, it is necessary to fall in delightedly with all his plans and be ready to bestow flattery. He likes his women to dress in a feminine and pretty way, but they must be prepared to be thoroughly masculine in their attitude toward some aspects of life, such as driving the car, writing a letter of complaint or running a house or career. Above all else, he cannot stand muddle or fuss. To keep an Aries man happy, it is necessary to be totally organized. Though not afraid to take the initiative, this male does expect some backup from others should a conflict arise. He will win by any means necessary, but seldom stoops to trickery...he has a very strong sense of fair play. The men of this Zodiac Sign make excellent lawyers and judges for their sense of justice and equality keeps them free from personal prejudice. Their arguments, being very sound and to the point, tend to carry much weight. They are also naturally gifted with a liberal amount of talent along architectural and inventive lines, as well as being lovers of science, art and music. Being self-assertive and a magnificent conversationalist, the Aries male possesses keen foresight and makes for a fine clerk, traveling salesman, speculator, banker or broker. No matter what the choice of employment, however, the Aries man, as a general rule, will be enthusiastic about the selected career and show a great determination to succeed. In the world of business, Aries males display wonderful push and energy. Being both venturesome and ambitious, they should associate themselves with those of a more conservative temperament who, while appreciating such inherent qualities, will serve to restrain the impulsive Aries tendency to leap before investigating the situation. Aries males are usually quite successful in dealing with real estate for they are good financers, being keen and instinctively aware of potential opportunities. Cunning and shrewd, Aries men have a talent for money-making to a large degree, although they lack the ability to save any great amounts during the course of their lives. The Aries male is progressive and quick to demonstrate his ability to do good work. Thus, he tends to gain rapid promotion. The Aries nature is generally too enterprising in character for mechanical pursuits and there is unlikely to be much chance of success in any area which involves attention to detail. The Aries man refuses to submit to the dictates of others and may be aggressive and arbitrary when dealing with those who fall under his supervision. In other words, this male has a rather unpleasant habit of treating other human beings as though they were objects to be possessed. Love When they so desire, natives of Aries can be very charming and virtually irresistible to the opposite sex. However, individuals governed by this Sign need to harness their powerful energies...or at least rein them in a little...so those with whom they would like to spend time are not overwhelmed by their advances. Aries will assume the role of motivator in a relationship and the driving force compels those who fall under its jurisdiction to assume the leading light in any cooperative venture. Indeed, sometimes it almost appears as though Aries subjects want to defeat their partners instead of love them. Romantically enthusiastic and adventurous, these natives will always want to push physical pleasure to new plateaus and their partners can occasionally be overwhelmed by such a spirited approach. The Aries sexuality is driven, powerful and akin to a feat of showmanship when these individuals are truly captivated. This Sign is by nature the show-off of the Zodiac and performance in the bedroom is no exception. Aries subjects will be dramatic, captivating and sure to get a partner's undivided attention. The more appreciated these natives feel, then the more they will invest in their romantic overtures. Much pampering and an abundance of attention will be needed with an Aries sweetheart, since this is a soul who thrives on feeling that he or she is number one in the life of a loved one. Those ruled by Aries will do the initial chasing and while not usually attracted to being chased themselves, will happily accept overdone displays of affection one their hearts have been given. There is a tendency here toward jealousy and possessiveness, but a potential partner will need to avoid showing the same qualities since any form of clinging is sure to drive the Aries individual in search of fresh pastures. Still, beneath all the Aries bravado and show actually lurks a somewhat innocent child who simply wants to explore the wonderful world and be appreciated. Despite the passionate nature and gift for loving deeply, Aries natives seldom wear their hearts on their sleeves. Indeed, they may not be good at expressing their love in words...but they do relish hearing such endearments from their loved ones and can listen to declarations of undying affection and everlasting fidelity with the utmost appreciation. Perhaps the greatest weakness of an Aries individual in love is the tendency to cross-examine and ask too many questions. Although these are not souls normally in the habit of mincing their words, it will be necessary to employ tact or even keep silent if things get out of hand. By being more toleratant, Aries subjects can find greater happiness. It will also be necessary for those ruled by this Sign to share the power in a relationship, remembering to ask advice, to discuss and to consult. All too often, Aries individuals forget to do this and are later surprised when any resentment arises. Being aggressive, action-oriented, often impatient and at times, even a little impulsive, Aries natives find any sort of delay or postponement almost impossible to bear...at the very least, they are adverse to waiting. Thus, a potential partner must always timely follow through with whatever is promised and never stand too firmly in the way of these individuals as they move headlong through life. These are souls normally regarded as being rather combative and will relish a challenge or dare. However, it must be remembered that they only enjoy those contests and battles in which they win or are relatively certain that the odds are stacked in their favor. If they suspect that any challenger is more expert than they are, then no contest will take place. They will simply not find the time or make up another excuse, but will never admit the real reason for the decline....that they are afraid they might lose. Hence, any potential partner would be well-advised to allow the Aries native to win often and never force him or her to compete when there is an obvious reluctantance to engage in a fight. In short, it will be necessary to allow those ruled by this Sign to save face. Those governed by this Sign will certainly lose interest in any potential partner if they cannot be "firstest with the mostest." For example, they dislike anyone seeing and then talking about a movie before they themselves have seen it, or when anyone gets in front of them in any way...whether it be financially, educationally or emotionally, or even if someone gets in front of them in a line or when walking. That having been said, these natives are not necessarily adverse to a partner forging ahead of them in some areas of life, as long as that partner refrains from boasting or bragging about the greater achievements within their hearing. While there is a tendency here to quickly forgive, subjects of Aries seldom forget any type of put-down or the fact that they have not been regarded sufficiently praiseworthy to be at the very top of any loved one's admiration list. When it comes to long term commitments, Aries individuals rarely meet partners who truly understand their temperament. The romantic nature here tends to be very intense, with both the males and females craving sympathy and affection more than anything else...but these are more affectionate souls than ones who are passionate. It is important for Aries natives to learn self-control or much trouble and annoyance are likely to be the bane of any long term partnership. Unfortunately, if the life of an individual governed by this Sign is not marred in an extended relationship, it most likely will be later by children or relatives. Romantic longevity is a precarious venture for those ruled by Aries. Although these persons are ideal companions in a general way, they know little of the more exalted phases of domestic affection. ============================ The Aries male will undoubtedly be a rash and impetuous individual, impulsive in love affairs and marriage...as he is with everything. He is likely to fall in love easily and will give all of himself at the moment, but will never be the "hopeless romantic." He is exciting, dynamic, creative, never dull and usually youthful in looks. Being inherently dominant, he often seeks out someone of a weaker nature...someone he can impress and protect with his so very masculine qualities. Attracted by beauty and apparent helplessness, the Aries man needs a mate who will be content to play second fiddle, remaining in the background where due admiration can be paid to this male's prowess and ability. In short, the Aries man expects adoration from his partner. Unlikely to yield or back down in any fight or contest, this male is both fearless and courageous. While he will not foolishly seek out a quarrel, once in one he will be there to win and should he happen to lose, his disappointment will be great. Although rarely revengeful, the Aries male does not easily forgive a wrong. Adventurous and active, this man possesses strong willpower but can be overly-generous with his time, money and possessions...while, at other times he can be incredibly intolerant, selfish and demanding. He has a natural ability to lead others, but the chief fault here lies in his own inconsistency. In order to be happy with an Aries man, it will be necessary to allow him to believe that he is "lord and master." He must be given plenty of reason to be proud of his partner, who will be expected to do everything both quickly and well...particularly if such adds to his prestige. It will be important not to command or quarrel with this man in order to make him recognize his own shortcomings...it is best to appeal to his sympathetic and better judgment. Another important factor for any potential partner to consider is that, for some unknown reason, the Aries male harbors a tremendous fear of being alone. Because he desires the means by which he can express himself, he will constantly seek the companionship of others. However, those being sought are rarely on this man's own level...almost anyone who helps to inflate the ego will be readily accepted. Thus, in terms of relationships, the demands of the Aries male to insist upon a partner who is simply around all the time can prove to be quite exhausting. If any potential mate finds it impossible to keep up with this man and his endless energy or if he believes the relationship is not working, then he is likely to end the affair rather quickly, anxious to start another without looking back. That having been said, the Aries male is very faithful when he finds his true love. However, he enjoys the chase as much as the catch and in order to achieve romantic success with this man, it will be important for any potential mate to be outgoing, independent, possess a sense of adventure and keep just that little bit ahead of him. Ambitious, hardworking and successful, there is little that can hold the male ruled by Aries. Probably his most irritating fault is contradiction. This man knows a lot and heaven help anyone who gets the facts wrong. He is able to plan for the future with exciting and progressive ideas. Sometimes, there is no pleasing this male, but he is very romantic at heart once he has made up his mind on a mate, will be constant and true. This man will always want to be the center of his loved one's attention and probably take it for granted that he is. Flattery works with the Aries male and he can consume large amounts, provided he does not expect that it is a line. Once in love, he will leave no doubt regarding his feelings. This is a man who is warm-hearted and virile, but also somewhat bossy. He likes to be waited on hand and foot but in return, is ready and willing to fight for the best for his partner, children and family. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any partner to allow the Aries male to believe he is lord and master. It will also be important for a partner to give the Aries man plenty of reasons to be proud of what that partner accomplishes. Things he expects to be done should be done quickly and well, particularly if they add to his prestige. It is useless to try and make the Aries male see his shortcomings by way of commands or quarreling...appeals should always be made to his sympathetic side and his better judgment. In addition, he detests muddle or fuss, so any prospective partner must be organized. |