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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Sunday, February 12, 2006 [120106] The end of yet another week, 3 more weeks to go...
The week ended on a pretty bright note, GLMP paper is finally over!!! Ok, i admit i didnt study really hard... as usual, left the studying to the last minute... but the paper was relatively easy and I shld be able to clear this module without much hassle or problems. Computer's been going crazy on me of late, always, hanging, restarting and all sorts of other nonsense.. i cant even have a decent time playing games or watching movies no more.. ARrrgghhh!!! What's the freakin' matter with you??!?? *hollers at computer* For some reason, the computer seems to understand and proceeds to make some freaky noises... ok ok, point taken, u're the boss... sheesh... or maybe it's just the damn processor fan... Met up with helmut, the 2 graces, pei xuan and shi hong for dinner at PS cafe cartel yesterday evening.. first time dining at cafe cartel (yea yea, sua ku.. i know i know) had the meat lover's special and shared the supreme platter... hmmm.. overall comments... service was excellent, the staff was polite and always had a ready smile... the food was pretty good too.. the chicken chop, pork chop and the sausage drenched in the glorious pepper sauce was to die for and the chow that the rest ordered too looked pretty mouth watering.. just that helmut complained about his portion being too small when compared to ours... lol The seafood platter looked immense and very very very very did i mention very very good... serving for 5 at $50... pretty decent, with fish fillets, soft shelled crab, scallops, prawns and coleslaw.. *drools* and i applied for the student previlage card.. using the recipt from the meal... haha... not gonna be a student in 3 more weeks but the card once approved is valid for an initial period of 2 years.. haha.. had a ball of a time laughing away yesterday, as expected with grace goh ard, it's always fun to tickle her with jokes and see her lapse into one of her infamous laughing fits... yesterday was no exception... except that I believe we have found her twin sister... lol... equally vocal and ticklish.. and she scared off ppl seated behind us for 3 times... maybe the patrons seated behind us ate fast but defintely, the entire restraunt was staring at us at one point or another... we were seated at 7 and we left at ard 2330.. quite a decent place to chill out after a nice dinner... the food was good, the company was better but it didnt leave a very good impression on my wallet.. admitted into A & E again.... sighz.. well at least it's not in the ICU... yet.... on the way back, bumped into a couple of drunks on the train and the drunk started picking a fight with this chinese middle aged uncle... came to blows and slapping, cursing and swearing, everybody on the train was pretty stunned and most attempted to move out of their way... had to pull my friend away from them as they moved towards him, he then proceeded to press the button above the seats. Remember the red button with the slot for a key that supposedly allows us to communicate with the driver? It even has a picture instruction instructing us on how to use it and the penalties for misuse. Ring a bell? Anyways, good news was that it worked!? My friend then proceeded to inform driver that there was a fight onboard the train and he shld stop the train at the next stop. Driver then calmly conveyed the following instructions over the speaker system. Driver: Excuse, passenger, could you repeat what you just said? SH: *shouting* THERE ARE 2 INDIAN MEN FIGHTING IN THE CABIN, COULD YOU STOP THE TRAIN AT THE NEXT STATION?!?? Driver: Ok, thank you. Staff will be informed at the next station, please remain calm so the train stopped at Orchard and the 2 Indian men, obviously very drunk alighted but not before sprouting a seemingly endless stream of vulgarities directed at the chinese uncle. They then promptly made their get away by going up the escalators, the SMRT staff came late however but managed to detain the chinese uncle who was in a way, the victim of the whole conflict. So what have I learnt from the 5-10 minutes of surreal drama unfolding in fornt of my eyes yesterday night? 1. Singaporeans are passive beings. If something happens and I move away, perhaps it might not be real *covers eyes and starts chanting "It isnt real, this isnt happening to me" (repeat as many times as needed) 2. Alcohol, bad tempers and an accidental touch/push = bad combination 3. The speaker/communicating system with the driver on board the trains does work!!!! 4. I cant trust the system. where were the Special Operation Command officers when you needed them? i see them everywhere on the train these days and they were nowhere to be found last night.. ah... perhaps it was the late night.. their jobs must be from 0800-1700, five day week... that expains it... perhaps their job scope shld be examined.. afterall, when one member of the public had to step in and shout POLICE! in an attempt to deter the fight, hmmm.. shows something doesnt it? (yea yea, im bitching and making unrealistic comments but hey, it's not a crime to bitch and whine is it?) |