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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Monday, September 11, 2006 [110609] My last 2 days as a civillian
After months of waiting (working more likely) and after what seemed like forever, the time it took me to obtain my diploma... im officially 10 hours + til the beginining of the next phase of my life.. the so called transition from a boy to a man but hasnt that already happened with the onset of puberty or the passing of my 18th or 21st birthday? oh well... the transition like many things are subjective to an individual's opinion. So a quick summary of the last 2 days of me being a civillian before i hand over my still new IC (i wont see it for 2 years) over for an 11-C, most people would be more familiar with the 11-B, the SAF equivalent so for the Singapore Civil Defence Force, it's the 11-C and for the Singapore Police Force, 11-A... anyways, saturday was spent with the lads from NUFCsg... an all NUFCsg affair as NUFCsg Team A took to the field with NUFCsg Team B, team B being the team with the strongest defenders while naturally Team A was the team with the strongest Attackers... i was in team B though not in the starting eleven... heh... most were shocked to see me in boots and not my usual jeans and casual wear when down at the field supporting the team... think of the match as my testimonial match... since i 'retired' from playing competively for the team... heh.. final score at the end of the day was Team A 3 - 2 Team B... i played for around 20+ mins? but the match had to be stopped minutes into the final third as the lightning streaked across the greyish hued skies... oh well... the weather was darn fine though... Quickly changed and soon after debrief went with some of the lads to go makan after a extremely 'draining' and 'exhausting' match... then sat around and listened to the old timers and new ones as well trading their NS army stories... most of which i've already listened to before, some depicting the lives as Guards, drivers or Personal Assistant to the OC coming across as something fresh and new... of course, they all offered 'helpful' and 'insightful' advice on how to tackle life during NS... erm.. thanks for the counsel boys, but im heading to Bahar Jalan LOLROFL!!!! (erm... *ahem* sorry inside joke... it's Jalan Bahar by the way, not Bahar Jalan) not P.Tekong but nonetheless thanks for all the advice and well wishes... Reached home and got the news that John met with an accident while on the way to the match and that he was wared in the ICU of Changi Hospital... glad he's stablised now... take good care, wish you a speedy recovery.. ya better get well mate! Terence and me still gotta crash at your crib back in newcastle when we head over there later this year! Ya hear me John Hirst?! Met up with JJ and redfox around midnight as we helped JJ distribute his flyers for his ERA agent thing... it came as a surprise that he's already ROD... i've thought that he was only clearing his leave and in the mean time starting out as an ERA agent... oh well, at least that cleared up... anyways, helped to distribute flyers to each household in 6 blocks.. finished at around 12+ and headed for supper and rest... after which, a much needed and welcomed visit to my bed beckoned... Woke up really refreshed and rested for the first time in weeks... usually would have been groggy and aching all over so it was a good start to the day... didnt really do much in my last day... slacked around at home and continuning reading my books and visiting friends' blog... had a sort of a farewell dinner with the family and guess that's pretty much it... really didnt try and party or anything of that sort before i go in... im not that sort of person to begin with... i belong to the goverment from tomorrow onwards after the oath taking.. for the next 2 years, my ass belongs to the goverment (erm, it sounds kindda wrong doesnt it?) oh well at least after almost 8 years, my next 2 will still be under the Home Affairs umbrella... me being in NPCC and all.. and now enlisting in the SCDF... im blue for life!!! (ermz... that also sounded wrong... *shakes head*) unlike most who'll wear the green, sky blue or the whites of the Singapore Armed Forces... How do i feel? Sad. Glad.. Dread... Curious.... Excited..... Nervous...... All these emotions rolled into one.. haha.. geez.. oh well... im taking my NS experience to be open and fun.. i hope... go in with an open mind is the key i guess... it's not serve and fuck off, it's an obligation for the right to be a citizen... civillian Damian Peh reporting out... Recruit Peh's report to follow in 2 weeks... |