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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Saturday, January 20, 2007 [200107] Opportunities
Been a long but uneventful week, camp life is still the same thing day in and day out... just that the lessons are coming up hard and fast with days packed with lessons back to back from 0800 to 1730.. shag man... next week also same thing, but instead of conducting the lessons in camp, we'll be heading to Mandai Training Village instead... shagness awaits me when i book in... sianz... I've always known that in any working environment, there's bound to be friction, office politics and power struggles going on, but looking back, i realise that my various working experiences and even my own NS experience has each shown me more and more of such 'things' progressively... such events are never productive and yet, behind each facade that is a smile, daggers are primed ready to strike... and who suffers in the end? US... yes US.. those at the bottom of the food chain... in my case... the NCOs... in eventuality that the CSM, RSM, OC and PCs go out on an all out war... the casualties would only be the instructors... cause as the big man put it, we live and die by his word... im sick of all this... Back to the heading itself... went for interview at St James Power Station hoping to get job at Dragonfly with Redfox's recommendation, in the end... waited for over 45mins then managed to see Steven, the manager... filled in the application form and waited somemore... in the end, didnt even get interviewed as i already got the job... reason being he didnt feel the need to scrutinze the Part timers that much provided i can get a letter from my OC stating that i can work... DAMN Seeing how my OC is so bo chap, guess i have to forgo this first job opportunity... went back to camp thinking about it and in the end, decide that maybe i should be heading back to tcc to work... since Firrdaus is also working back at his outlet... maybe can approach Tahir... oh well... i would be going back to a familiar working enviornment... Friday was the day of opportunities... spurned or yet to grab? Jit Chern messaged inquiring about my interest in his position as a research assistant at NTU/NIE... first thought was that im not really cut out for lab work over the long run but he says it really isnt purely lab work and that though tedious, it's rewarding and the pay isnt that bad... food for thought Met up with Redfox, Blackie, YF, SQ, Kenny, Sunnymonk & JJ to celebrate monk's & SQ's birthdays... went to this KTV pub (THE RED PUB) along neil road which was opened by the sis of SQ's friend... been sometime since i've seen some of the guys.... monk is mobile now... with his yellow Honda Jazz but can see he's also quite stressed bahz with all the work... anyways, the night was spent playing card games, drinking games and KTV-ing with Martell being our thirst quencher... afterwhich, SQ went back to hostel, Kenny & me both headed home while the rest expectedly went ahead to MOS for more poison, music and grooving... monk sounded me out about helping him out in his fledgling business as a salesman in selling petfood to petshops in designated areas... purely based on commission... hmmm... petfood aint never that easy to sell more so to sell on a large quantity to petshops... but it does give me the chance to improve my pathetic fianancial position... food for thought Kenny on the trip back too sounded me out about helping him in his current profession... in what capacity and what job scope he didnt say, we both agreeing that our frames of mind were in the midst of stoning and as such not suitable for such a conversation... agreed to perhaps meet up sometime to perhaps discuss any possibilites... food for thought "opportunities are never lost, they are taken by others" |