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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Sunday, December 04, 2005 [031205] nothing much to blog over the last few days.. it seems that my life during the weekends are getting more repetitive as well.. always heading down to town with my brudders.. haha.. accompanied JJ to Plaza Sing with QH as well followed by lunch at Long John Silvers where else heh... happened to bump into kevin.. still looking like himself.. haha... oh well proceeded over to heeren.. listened to some tracks though a bit disaapointed that i couldnt hear this cd by Greenday... Bullet in a cd case i think.. that's the album name.. some wrong with the machine... Caught the music video of Luo Zhi Xiang Zhen ming tian zi & Zi wo cui mian.. both vidoes are decent though not where near the standards of Kiss's Because Im a girl.. THAT LADIES and GENTS is a classic.. no idea what im talking about.. message me on msn and i'll send ya.. superb music video...
came across this stupid meme baton thing on Kenn's blog and lukcy me (sarcasm drippin) he nominated me as one of 5 to pass the baton along.. oh well.. i can choose not to do it but.. kinnda bored now.. so why not? here goes: ----------------Questions------------------- Q.Ever been so drunk you blacked out? Nope... never gotten that drunk before... i know my limits... worse i've been was when i drunk til i felt tipsy.. stopped after that.. not looking to test my limits anytime soon also.. Q.Put a body part on fire for amusement? NO. Im bored. not THAT bored though. Q.Kept a secret from everyone? All the time.. life would be too bland if everyone knows everything wouldnt it? Q.Wanted to hook up with a friend? Yea... MOST couples start out as friends.. Im single and available by the way.. (that was despo) o.O Q.Been on stage? Mostly during primary school days.. quite active those days.. (teacher's pet) haha so got to take part in a lot of plays and celebrations stuff.. i was Raffles before and a hawker selling tock tock mee back in the 60s and i danced the macarana on stage before... haha... ---------------Favourites------------------ Q.Shampoo? What's ever available in the toliet when i shower.. no specific preferences Q.Soap? Same answer as above.. usually my bro buys them and places them in the toliet and i just use 'em.. haha Q.Colour? BLACK, hands down. My clothes are predominantly black which sucks when u live in singapore with the heat and humidity... i shld migrate to somewhere cold.. New Zealand or Tyneside perhaps Q.Day/Night? Night for its darkness, silence and tranquiliy. Who needs the sun.. Q.Fave Food? Mum's cooking. best deal ard.. ----------RIGHT NOW---------- Q.Wearing? Round neck Cadet Inspector T-shirt with shorts... Q.Eating? nope Q.Drinking? nope Q.Thinking about? how a guy's life can be so boring, screwed and wrong.. and how much longer will that wanker Souness drag the club I love back into mediocracy... Q.Listening to? Damn nice song by power station.. dun know the title though.. classic.. ----------THE LAST 24 Hrs----------- Q.Last night? Had steamboat at home followed by 2 rounds of DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) Q.Cleaned your room? My room is clean and neat... no probs... dun really need to clean except for the occasional vaccuming and mopping every 3 days or so... family's made up of neat freaks.. i grew up to be one as well.. haha.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ah... finally done.. so now i have to pass on to 5 miserable ppl.. ok.. anyone that happens to read this article.. pls do answer the ques and blog it ya? oh well.. ZZZZZzzzz... onwards with my mundane life.. |