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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006 [050406] Such a pity they're throwing their lives away
Day 2 of work, been ok thus far... the experience has definately been enjoyble, for some reason i cant explain myself, i like to work in the F & B line... I dunno, it gives me great satisfaction and pleasure to serve guests and customers... weird? maybe... but at least i enjoy my work so far... the crew's been great, dun really know them well yet but i think it'll get better as the days and weeks pass... Still got alot of stuff haven cover yet... Bar, POS (Point of Sales) etc etc, cant imagine when can i find the time to learn and for the management to teach me. Weekdays already quite busy, cant imagine the weekends on fridays and saturdays, gonna fight a war man... reminds me of weekends during my Coffee Bean days, super long queues with tons of orders, hated to be stationed at the Expresso or Ice Blended station, finished one order, turn around to see 6, 7 new orders, never ending man.. The crowd's pretty interesting near Plaza Sing, white collared workers especially and your average joes and janes but quite a mix of interesing people makes life and time passed while working more bearable. Noticed alot of girls smokes these days, when they sit in the alfresco (outside dining area), mmost likely they turn out to be smokers. cant help but feel a tinge of sadness, disappointment and digust... even for guys, smoking's a poor excuse... sighz... What's up with smoking?? Why throw your lives away?? In war, soldiers turn to smoking to pass time as time to them ticked by slowly and by smoking, it made time pass faster to them at least in a mental state. But we're not in a war, so why smoke? Peer pressure? Looks cool? My bf/gf smokes so i smoke? It feels good? Geez, any reason to smoke is a dumb reason, for every stick they light and smoke, they lose 11 minutes of their life and they increase the likelyhood of heart disease, lung cancer and various other ailments... so why?? I have friends who smoke and with today's standard of education, everyone knows the bad effects of smoking and yet they carry on smoking oblivious to the poison coursing through their veins and lungs. "I cant help it lah" or "Tried quitting but gave up, too hard" are just some of the most common excuses they spit out when questioned with why they smoke when they know that it's bad for their health. Just feel so sad for them cause I know the day will come when their lives will be cut short by cancer or heart attack or any of the ailments related to smoking. It's not a MIGHT, it's a WILL. It's only a matter of time... and when that day comes, I will be saddened for I have lost a friend not to nature's cause but by his/her own doing... we all have to die one day, that's a fact but to go by such a route, it's pathetic... i really pity them... |