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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006 [250406] Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Ka-ching!
Recieved my first pay for working today though i was abit (ok, ok... i was extremely disappointed) at the amount i recieved.. turned out today's pay was for working between 24th March to 7th April.. DAMN!, and it's the pay without the meal allowance DOUBLE DAMN!! and it's so much lower than what I had anticipated TRIPLE DAMN!!! plus next pay gonna have CPF deduction *groanz* Darn... quite pitiful... only slightly more than twice my former weekly allowance... hmmm.. have to last me til the next payday... a significant moment today... the day I gain financial independence... *chest swells with pride* erm.. ok lahz... abit late to gain my financial independence at the age of 21 but at least i've lifted another piece of burden off my mum's back... she'll stop giving me allowances from now on.... Bills - Pay myself Makan - Pay myself Transport - Pay myself Entertainment - Pay myself Any other irrelevant / relevant costs associated with me - Pay myself In summary... i'll have to watch the purse strings damn closely... seen a lot of instances of my brudders being crushed by temporary poverty... when they used up their NS pay... im wary of falling into that pit... but sometimes, it's hard i guess especially nowadays i seem to have the mentality of "Aiyah, working now mahz, can lahz.. can splurge a little..." tsk tsk tsk... die man... 2 new additions to the AT crew... Full timer Tini and Part Timer Elene... both seemed to be easy going and friendly enough... feeling quite settled at TCC now... more or less in tune with what to do and stuff and the staff's a pretty decent, rowdy and friendly bunch of people all rolled into one.. more or less like when i was working at CBTL.... just that more things to do and more stress with the table service and stuff... i think my fuse's quite short these days especially when working outdoors when kenna slammed, my mood changes drastically... had 4-6 ppl all asking me if was ok last saturday night when i was working.. of course im not ok.. frustrated lahz, angry lahz... wanna scream, shout and tear my head out... Looking forward to meeting up with the lads this sat for the Brums game... i've missed all the matches since the west ham victory and damn, keep missing the games that we've played brilliantly and im especially knocking myself for the missing the game against Sunderland!!! Why didnt they show that game???? King Al's last ever game in the black and white strip and we missed it ALL!!! Sighz... the end of a grand era... slightly concerned about who's gonna be coming and going.. such a mist of uncertainty surrounding St James Park.. oh well, i hope it clears soon... UEFA CUP, here we come!! HOWAY THE LADS! |