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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Wednesday, July 05, 2006 [050706] A day to remember
First things first, i've finally Graduated!!! It's kinnda surreal going up on stage and receieving my diploma and as i looked at it, i get reminded of all the trials and tribulations i had to undertake to get it. Just a piece of paper i remind myself but it is the single most important piece of paper i'll ever own in my life. My passport to life i like to call it... It was fun meeting up with all the peeps from 3b01, glad to see almost 90% of the class turned out... when i glanced over to see my buddy class (3b02) with less than 50% attendance, i cant help but feel relieved and glad that i am part of a happening, united and fun class like 3b01... you guys are the best... we're simply the best! we're better than all the rest! Only thing was couldnt find my mum after the graduation ended so in the end didnt managed to take a graduation photo with her... kinnda upset about that but managed to take tons others with the lecturers and the class... as we waited for the ceremony to begin, caught a short video on the upcoming SP muscial titled SUPERSTARS, nice to see Esther being featured during the interview... most prob wont be able to catch her in action when it's running in October.. but nonetheless, if you're reading this, sorry I wont be able to make it... Wish you all the best! Blow the audiences' minds like i know you can! Im sure you'll be wonderful! Go Esther go! ;) Seeing ZC claim the top spot in our cohort and seeing him receiving the numerous awards really made me feel glad and proud for him... you earned it bro... im sure your future will be a bright and exciting one... all the best in the future man... went for lunch at Swensen's in Holland V before heading to clementi for K-box... really had a great time tonight... as usual, how to have a lousy time when im out with all of ya? haha... 3b01 is simply the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. period. Then came the excitment when i reached home and opened the letter box... a green letter addressed from MINDEF. With awaited breath, i carefully opened the letter... months of waiting results in this single moment as my eyes gobbled the words on the letter i hold in my hands... You are hereby under section 10 of the Enlistment Act (Cap 93), to report for enlistment on 12th Sep 2006 (Tue) at 08:30 hrs to Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) My first thought: Shit My second thought: Shit My third and subsequent thoughts: Alternating fuck and shit SINGAPORE CIVIL DEFENCE FORCE??!?!?!??! WTF!??!?!?!? shit shit shit shit shit shit... of all things that would befall me, this would be the last thing i'll ever thought i'll get into... i dun want to go into SCDF... some people might snigger and others might congradulate me but as crazy as i may sound or be, i wanna go thru BMT in Pulau Tekong and go thru all the shit and nonsense my brudders have been telling me about over the past year and a half... i wanna wear the army no. 3, not the blue coveralls... darn, damn... shit.. what to do now? My previous plans to go thru BMT and experience life in the SAF before deciding has been disrupted... now what? No idea. Shit. No plan B to fall back on. All of the people to be enlisted, i had to be the 'lucky' ones to kenna SCDF... fuck... shit... Need to really consider and think.. brudders! to Me! Part with me your guidance and advice!!!! Turion deep in thought |