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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006 [080806] I wish i could click my life away
Day 4 of my confined existance at home... so darn bored... time passes by even more slowly than working at CBJ... nothing to do at home.. well i borrowed 4 books from the library (finished one and am ard 1/4 thru the next) but even so i cant read the entire day... Counting back, this forced exile from work has already cost me ard $200+in wages.. argghhh... heart winces... i appreciate a break from working but the monetary consequences are by far more appalling to me on a personal level... sighz... just goes to show that shit really happens... and more often than not, happens to me... Met up with hazel sunday to pass her the Tangs voucher... since it's expiring at the end of this month and having walked thru Tangs twice without finding anything to buy, might as well pass it to someone who would use it... headed down to CWP to walk around before heading back to yishun to watch Click. Been sometime since i last caught an Adam Sandler comedy... the last of his films being 40 dates or something like that co-starring Drew Barrymore... which i didnt see but was told to me by friends to be an outstanding and hilarious show... hmm, no no.. i remembered! The longest Yard was his last film i watched, which by the way is a pretty decent film... going back to Click... in true Adam Sandler style, the film is an easy going, basic plot driven and obviously laughter filled film.. with many memorable jokes and surprising with its highly emotionally charged scenes towards the end.. which brought tears to Hazel and surprisingly made my own eyes mist a little... A truly hilarious scene was one in which a black guy drove his convertible up alongside Adam Sandler character's car and starting singing along to the tune from his radio... which black guy? the one from white chicks.. yes.. him.. haha.. absolutely hilarious... All in all, a decent film but dont expect too much, afterall it is a comedy. Click - 3 popcorns out of 5 Wonder what it would be like if i had a universal remote control... too see the past chapters of my life... to go back in time and to fast forward to the future... to see where i would stand in society five, ten or even twenty years from now... to go back and see the mistakes i made in life, the few triumphs in life i had... to go back to a time when i was young, innocent and the only important thing was when was the cartoons showing... I wish i could click my life away. *click* |