Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Friday, April 11, 2008 [110408] You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.
Caught The Bucket List earlier, best movie i've seen thus far this year and it's definitely worth your while to go and catch this heart warming film about 2 terminally ill men from contrasting background who managed to come together as friends against all reasoning to find happiness, acceptance and joy in the last few months of their lives. The Bucket List - 4.5 popcorns out of 5 Boyce Avenue's cover on John Mayer's 'Say' (The Bucket List OST) |