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"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Thursday, May 18, 2006 [180506] I need a good read
Time now: 0106 hrs. Time til UEFA Champions League Final: 1hr 29 mins Time for 1 match: 90 mins Outcome: 1 Champion Ah.. after months of gruelling competitions, it boils down to a Barcelona vs. Arse-nal showdown at the Stade de France. Come to think about it, I think I may have passed by the Stade de France back in 1998 when I was lucky enough to go to Europe (my first and only holiday outside of Asia) for my holidays... but i was too young then and i didnt really soccer and in the same trip, I saw the Amsterdam Arena from a distance as I travelled from Amsterdam to Rotterdam. Back to the topic, I sincerly hope that the face off between these two top technical sides would produce free flowing football coupled with many goals... the last champions league final in Istanbul was a magnificent match with Liverpool clawing back from being 3-0 down to 3-3 and finally beating Milan in the penalties. I eagerly anticipate the match later on... Ok, shall change topic now, no doubt for the clueless and the uninterested, football's a boring and even disliked topic... updates on my wallet, Police still hasnt contacted me, i guess no kind samaritans found my wallet and decided to turn in to the police or mail me back my contents... damn it.. sighz... that's life for you... Just finished watching The Bone Collector starring Denzel Washington, another top class actor alongside Tom Hanks in my honest opinion not to mention, he's one of the top Afro-American actors in Hollywood along with Morgan Freeman.. but i think Denzel Washington has acted in better movies like Glory & Crimson Tide... but honestly The Bone Collector turned out to be quite a disappointment after having read Jeffery Deaver's novel by the same name. (The movie's based on the book by the way and not the other way around) The movie left out too much infomation and plotlines and twists but I guess it's hard to cramp over 500 pages into 2 and a half hours... might be catching The Da Vinci Code tomorrow with Alex, grace and norli, hope that it wont be another disappointment... perhaps it'll be better not to carry any high hopes for we all know that - hope is the first step on the road to disappointment. (sorry, i cant help myself in spreading a little pessimism) Talking about books, it's been a LOOOOooooooooooNNNNNNNnnggggg time since i had a good book to read.. compared to when i was studying, i read at least 2-4 books every week or so... been ages since i've actually read a book!!!! I need a good read... went to Popular earlier... saw a couple of books that caught my eye... the books seemed to have a mind of their own calling out to me to buy them.. yea right, i rather go to the library to borrow.. heh.. working now lahz, but still must budget ok? reading's a very good hobby and helps to pass time not to mention wind down... For those that dun know, my favourite genres of novels are mainly fantasy (Books by Magaret Weise are a particular fav, dragonlance, LOTR etc), science fantasy (Dune series and Battletech) and suspense i think.. (Novels by Michael Conolly and Jeffery Deaver are pretty good) and of course anything with a military nature (Tom Clancy, Patterson all come into mind) and occasionally i like the odd historical non-fiction books... all these talking about books has gotten me itchy... who's up for some time at the Woodlands Regional library with yours truly? *silence* That figures... sighz.. never mind.. solitude is a good thing at times... I NEED A GOOD BOOK TO READ!!! any recommendations? |