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Me, myself & I
"i am free to be who i really am... no pretenses, no broken promises, no fear... just a life packed with hopelessness and unattainable dreams, 'cause im just livin' like i shld... my life..." everyone has hopes and dreams but dun they know that hope is the denial of reality and that dreams will forever be just dreams? Bloggers
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Thursday, May 18, 2006 [180506] Breaking the Code
Woke up at 0730 hrs and by 0800 hrs, i was showered and out of the house heading for CMPB for my re-medical... reached redhill and decided to take a cab there, bumped into Chuen Wei there, small world indeed... he's still schooling, left with the final semester... all the best my friend... As I approached the counter, I informed the private at the station that this was my second time for medical and I had recieved the letter informing me to go for the remedical, after some checking, it turned out that my PES status was still valid and I could go back home. After spending an hour's travelling time ALL THE WAY FROM YISHUN. WTF He then proceeded to inform me that I could call this number to check on my enlistment status or since i was already there proceed to the infomation counter to clarify directly... already, i was quite pissed having to wake up so darn early after having stayed up to catch the Champion's League finals... The lady then proceeded to pass my papers and my case to her colleague who took another 10-15 mins just to confirm the extension of her superior who came down to see me. After further enquiries, it turned out that the system had scheduled me for another medical checkup because I was supposedly enlisting in December and the whole cock up was due to the fact that for Forward module students like myself (read: Grades not good, students with poor grades), the MINDEF system automatically defers our studies for us instead of having us defering it ourselves as they 'forsee' that being the poor students we are, we might take more than one deferment before completing our studies... WTF WTF Pure discrimination that led to so much trouble this morning, in the end, they still needed a letter from SP to indicate that i've already finished my studies so that they can confirm my enlistment status. My heart sank immediately, i needed to come back with the letter from SP... another trip to CMPB which is in the middle of nowhere?? Luckily can fax in to her... so happily left CMPB and called up the examinations office where i was told that it's not the school's policy to just fax infomation to MINDEF unless they specifically request for it. This policy was repeated to me half a dozen times as I attempted to inform them that the lady told me to ask the school to fax it to them, and they would need 2 freaking working days to print the Certificate... how hard is it to print this one piece of shitty paper and fax it over? i mean, it probably wouldnt even take more than 5 minutes... assholes... was so f**king pissed and I had to go down to school and then fax it to MINDEF myself... WTF WTF WTF I then took cab to Tiong Bahru and then transferred to train and headed home... reached Yishun around 11, almost 4 hours after i had left yishun earlier in the morning, 4 freaking hours lost to morons, retards and a system that discriminates against students with poor grades. F**k... Met up with Grace, Norli and Lex for the Da Vinci Code at The Cathay. First time watching movie there, first thoughts... cool place... gonna be another Cineleisure in the future once all the shops open up... gonna be another hip and cool place to hang out and go to one day... saw something that i dun belive they sold over the popcorn counters at The Cathay.. they sold pasta, fish and chips and sandwiches.. i mean, how in the world am i gonna eat the pasta when im watching the movie? it's bad enough that i have to bear with the crunching of potato cips... but imagine having to stand slurping of the pasta... argh... and the mess it'll leave behind.. i wonder who's the 'genius' who decided to sell pastas and such food over the snack counter of a cinema... The Da Vinci code - World wide best selling novel by Dan Brown. Critically accaimled and translated into 44 languages worldwide. Publically critised by the Church and Christian associations the world over. Geez, get a life, IT'S FICTION!!!! why are you people so uptight about it? Come on already, give it a break, im sure your followers are mature enough to think for themselves and decide on what's fact and what's fiction. Great movie... 2 and a half hours of suspense... somehow the scenes i had in my head while reading the novel were quite similar when i watch the film... the estate in which Leigh Teabing lived and intricate details of the film and plot... watching the film and having real images against the backdrop of the novel makes the movie experience even more worth while though I wasnt really wowed by the movie itself, it provided an interesting view and showcased the magnificent buildings in London and Paris. The Da Vinci Code - 3.5 popcorns out of 5 Went for dinner at Breeks! and headed for Billy Bombers for their milkshakes.. their milk shakes are to die for... trust me on this.. absolute heavenly delight and at $6.50 per glass, it's quite generous in the serving... the Chocolate milkshake is a must try.. 2 thumbs, 2 arms and 2 legs up for the milkshakes.. im already looking forward to my next visit... haha.. Marina Square's Billy Bombers certainly is way better than the one at Heereen's.. service there is atrocious... trust me on this especial when i work in the F & B line myself... i cringe at their attitudes making guests wait at the front for over 5 minutes without even having someone to attend to us.. tsk tsk tsk... gotta go, need to catch up on my Zs... slept only 2 hours last night... im dreaming of a chocolate milkshake already... cheers... |